A FIRE ravaged historic farmhouse in a terrible state of repair could be transformed into stunning homes.

Plans have been submitted to Warrington Borough Council’s planning department seeking listed building consent for 103 Cinnamon Lane.

Applicant Emerald Bay Group, based in Stockton Heath, looks to secure permission to demolish a decrepit barn at the Cinnamon Brow site.

It also wants to ‘meticulously’ renovate, extend and subdivide the Grade II-listed farmhouse into two dwellings, as part of a ‘significant investment’ and together with the creation of two new access points to serve each dwelling.

Plans state that the L-shaped farmhouse is likely to be an early to mid-18th century rebuilding of an earlier property, that was further altered in the early to mid-19th century.

A heritage report comments that the house has been vacant for some time and has been subject to vandalism and fire damage.

The barn meanwhile is a ‘long-derelict roofless shell’, built in the late 18th or early 19th century and formerly Grade II-listed, but it has since been delisted and is now in a dangerous and unstable condition.

Documents submitted as part of the application state: “The Grade II designation of the farmhouse denotes it is a building of national importance for its special architectural and historic interest.

“Its significance essentially derives from this intrinsic special interest, which is that of a much-altered, small farmhouse, probably of the early to mid-18th century with likely 17th century origins.

How the farmhouse looks in its present state

How the farmhouse looks in its present state

“Owing to loss and damage of the interior though fire and vandalism, this significance now resides in the external envelope of the building only.

“Furthermore, the derelict state of the building is not conducive to its conservation and places the building at further risk as long as this continues.

“The proposal will have a positive effect in that it will return the listed building to sustainable use after many years of disuse and dereliction, and accordingly will secure its future.

“The proposed refurbishment works will also be positive in that they will enhance its appearance and arrest the decay of its historic fabric.”

The applicant says the design proposal ‘demonstrates a commitment to restore the farmhouse to its former glory, while providing high-quality housing within a historic setting’.

Documents add: “The site and the listed buildings on it have continued to decline over the last few years and suffered by continuous anti-social behaviour and trespassers.

“Over the last couple of years the farmhouse has experienced multiple fires and has been left in a state of needing repair.

“The barn that is now de-listed with Historic England is unrecognisable from its former self and now appears as an eyesore as a desolate collection of bricks, and overall, the structure is in a dangerous condition.

“Due to this reason, we feel as though it no longer holds any architectural significance and would be better removed to ensure the site is safe.”