CHILDREN are said to ‘thrive’ and their achievements, big or small, are celebrated at a primary school in Warrington.

The pupils live up to the St Barnabas Primary School motto of ‘let their light shine’, according to an Ofsted inspector following a recent inspection of the setting.

Education watchdogs graded the school as good after an inspection that was carried out on March 20 and 21.

Praise was handed to the Collin Street school for its ‘ambitious’ curriculum and teachers ‘strong subject knowledge’ meaning it is delivered to a high standard.

In the nursery and reception classes, the report detailed how staff have been quick to identify gaps in learning from pupil to pupil and ‘put effective support in place’.

An inspector said: “Consequently, children in the early years are prepared well for learning in key stage one.

“Across the school, teachers regularly check how well pupils have learned the intended curriculum. This helps them to identify and remedy misconceptions quickly so that by the end of key stage two, most pupils achieve well.”

Reading was also highlighted as of high importance when it comes to teaching within the setting, with the school viewing it as ‘the gateway to opportunity’.

“Meaningful text choices are intertwined through the curriculum. Staff are trained to deliver the phonics programme well.

“Those pupils who struggle with reading receive support that helps them to keep up with the phonics programme.

“Pupils enjoy reading a rich selection of books. In early years, children readily recall the rhyme of the week. Pupils, including those who arrive later in the school year, learn to read fluently and accurately.”

The rate of attendance among pupils was also noted a high priority among teachers, with staff supporting parents and carers to ensure pupils attended regularly – this has led to a recent drop in the number of pupil absences.

Meanwhile, the inspector observed staff to be ‘positive role models’ to the children who attend St Barnabas and teach them how to behave ‘exceptionally well’.

Pupils with SEND achieve well at the school, it is reported, as staff are good at identifying any additional needs pupils have and adapt the curriculum appropriately.

Lastly, it was highlighted that children are encouraged to aim high and the school focuses on ‘raising pupils aspirations’.

“There is no ceiling put on their achievement. Take-up of the extensive enrichment opportunities is high.

“Pupils value the chance to learn new skills. Their experience of the world is widened through interesting and carefully planned trips and visits that stretch beyond the curriculum. For example, they benefitted from a talk with a local scientist about the impact of climate change on her work.”

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