AN Indian restaurant and takeaway in Culcheth has been hit with a one-star food hygiene rating by the Food Standards Agency after a recent inspection.

Indi Ayan, which is on Common Lane, was visited by inspectors on Thursday, May 2 who found that the restaurant and takeaway needed ‘major necessary improvement’.

The ratings are issues by the Food Standards Agency and are publicly available online.

Ratings range from five, very good, to zero, requires urgent improvement.

The Food Standards Agency does not disclose the full reasonings behind the rating but does reveal general areas requiring improvement.

Three reasons for Indi Ayan’s low rating were listed by the Food Standards Agency website.

Hygienic food handling, including preparation, cooking, reheating, cooling and storage, was found to require improvement.

The same was found for the cleanliness and condition of the facilities and building, including ventilation, hand washing facilities and pest control.

Finally, the management of food safety, including that food sold or served is safe to eat, was noted to need ‘major improvement’ as a result of the inspectors visit.

The rating on the Food Standards Agency website can be viewed here.