AN operation targeting wanted people has seen 56 suspects arrested.

Cheshire Police launched a two-day hunt across the county for people suspected of committing a range of different crimes.

Officers concentrated efforts and combined their expertise to track down a specific list of people suspected of committing crimes.

Shoplifters, burglars and domestic abuse perpetrators were arrested across Cheshire, alongside those suspected of firearms offences, criminal damage, serious assaults, aggravated burglary, robbery, rape, and stalking.

Immediate prison returns were carried out in the case of four suspects, recalled for breaching prison release conditions.

Superintendent Sam Billington, who led on the operation, said: "There has been some speculation that police are to reduce the number of people arrested.

“I hope this operation shows that is simply not the case here in Cheshire.

“I would like to reassure members of the public that Cheshire Police will not stop arresting those who commit crime.

“We will continue to do everything possible to make Cheshire a hostile place for criminals and bring perpetrators to justice, continuing with our commitment to keep the residents of Cheshire safe.”

Superintendent Billington added: “We went out there furnished with information that would help us track down the suspects and where possible put them before the courts.

“This is something our officers and staff do every day as part of their daily business, but we wanted to highlight that when we identify those who are a priority for us to find, we have the use of specialist departments to help us in our search.

“Teams across the county worked together and successfully located those who are denying victims the justice they deserve.

“We will continue to work together to prevent crime, locate suspects and keep you safe.”