RESIDENTS are devastated by the news that Padgate and Woolston Walking Day has been cancelled.

The event, which has seen generations of children and adults walk with the community’s churches, has officially been called off due to a ‘lack of volunteers’.

It was set to go ahead in a matter of weeks on Saturday, June 22.

An email was sent by the churches involved in the Walking Day last night, Wednesday, reportedly which stated that regretfully the event could not go ahead as there is not enough volunteers and organisers and it would be a ‘concern for health and safety’.

Following the news, Councillor for Poulton North, Sue Emery, has called for an emergency meeting with the churches, some of those involved being St Oswalds, Christ Church, Padgate Methodist and Church of the Ascension in Woolston, to see if there is anything that can be done to change the decision.

Speaking on the announcement, she said: “I have called for an emergency meeting. I have had a big response from members of the community. They want to get involved.

“It would be a shame if it was cancelled. The churches have said they will re-convene to organise it for next year. It is hard because the churches are struggling for volunteers.”

Meanwhile, resident Christine Tolley, 65, from Padgate, spoke of her devastation at the news the Walking Day would not proceed this year – having already purchased her granddaughter’s outfit for the event.

“My husband walked with Risley Methodist Chapel, and my grandchildren walk with Padgate C of E church.

“We have walked for generations. I have just bought my granddaughter's clothes for it,” she said.

“When it was Covid, my granddaughter walked around Padgate Church in honour of the event even though it could not go ahead, and we filmed it.

“It is important to us and all the members of the churches.”

Matthew Tolley, a local business owner, spoke of how many businesses and residents will be heartbroken by the news.

“This has been going on for hundreds of years. The local business owners are really upset.

“I spoke to a local who owns an ice cream van, he usually has two open for the event and the pubs have already stocked up ready for the day.

“You get generations and generations of families out there. They have not asked anyone for help.

“I run a local business and if they would of came to me and said they needed help I would have.

“We have four weeks to try and turn this decision around. And I think it is one of them that if it is gone it will be completely gone.

“All they have to do is ask us for help.”

Anyone would would be interested in volunteering should email