A MOTORCYCLIST from Old Hall who tragically died of natural causes while riding his bike in the Republic of Ireland has been described as ‘a full of life person’ by his partner in coroner’s court.

The inquest into the death of Dave McMonagle took place on Thursday, May 24 at Warrington Coroner’s Court.

Mr McMonagle, who was an avid motorcyclist, was travelling with a group of friends across Ireland on his bike on Saturday July 8 2023.

It was as he was driving along the N4 in Ballinalack, County Westmeath, that the 58-year old was spotted by a friend slowing in speed and that his left foot had slipped off the peddle.

Shortly after, Mr McMonagle slid to one side off of his motorbike towards to the left side of the road and hit a kerb.

He was wearing full protective riding gear but was unresponsive when approached by the rest of his group.

An eyewitness with medical experience attempted CPR and the use of a defibrillator to resuscitate him until the emergency services arrive, but Mr McMonagle was pronounced dead at the scene.

Prior to leaving for the trip, Mr McMonagle had stopped taking a medication called statins, which help to lower cholesterol, on June 16 2023.

Mr McMonagle had been prescribed the medication by a GP at Westbrook Medical Centre in 2022 after his blood tests showed a high level of cholesterol.

Alongside taking this medication, Mr McMonagle was advised to make lifestyle changes to help lower his cholesterol, including losing weight and changing his diet.

Although he was due to return to his doctors eight weeks after to assess whether the statins were helping, but he did not return to the GP to have his blood taken until April 2023.

At this appointment it was assessed that his cholesterol was improving and, two months at another GP appointment, Dave stopped taking the medication.

“It was agreed that he would stop taking the statins,” said Mark Dale, a GP at Westbrook Medical Centre while giving evidence.

“He was aware that if he stopped the statins and his cholesterol was to go up, the risk would also go up.”

The court heard that Mr McMonagle had seemed in good spirits and had no complaints of ill health prior to leaving for the trip, or even on the morning of his death.

“At no point during our travel did Dave complain about feeling unwell,” read a statement from a friend who was on the trip.

“He was laughing and just Dave all the time.”

The inquest was initially opened into Mr McMonagle’s death due to his death being ‘unnatural’.

The court heard however, that the pathologist’s report and the medical evidence provided showed that Mr McMonagle died from natural causes.

His cause of death was attributed to acute cardiac acrolithic disease of the arteries and a sudden arrest while riding his motorcycle, caused by a build-up of plaque.

“Dave was an absolutely full of life person,” his partner told the court.

“He absolutely loved his life, and he loved me and his daughter, his family, and his mum.

“He put 100 per cent into everything.

“Life wasn’t wasted on him – he loved his life.”