A THUG previously jailed for knocking an innocent man unconscious and robbing him is wanted again by police.

Paul Morris was jailed for three years and eight months back in December 2015 for rummaging through the victim's pockets to steal his valuables after the unprovoked attack.

Now, Cheshire Police has issued a wanted appeal in a bid to locate the 36-year-old.

A spokesman said: “Officers are appealing to the public for help in tracing a wanted man from Warrington.

“Paul Morris is wanted in relation to theft offences.

“He is described as being white, 5’ 11’’ tall, of a medium build, with brown hair and blue eyes.

“Although he lives in Warrington, he also has links to the west Midlands, west Yorkshire and north Wales.”

Anyone who sees Morris, or has any information as to his whereabouts, is asked to call Cheshire Police on 101, quoting 24000132573, or visit cheshire.police.uk/tell-us

Information can also be reported to Crimestoppers anonymously by calling 0800 555 111 or visiting Crimestoppers.org.uk

Warrington Crown Court heard back in 2015 how Morris approached the victim in Orford and punched him in the face during a discussion.

The victim collapsed, but Morris started to kick the victim while he lay on the floor unconscious, before rifling through his pockets and stealing his keys, cash, mobile phone and bank cards.

The defendant fled the scene when witnesses came out of their homes in a bid to stop the attack.

Police quickly located Morris on the canal towpath in Howley in possession of the victim's belongings and he was eventually arrested after jumping into Manchester Ship Canal.

The victim suffered serious facial injuries as a result of the attack and needed hospital treatment.