A WARRINGTON resident says he has spotted an invasive and damaging hornet in his home - but experts say it is actually a harmless insect.

It comes as people across the country are being urged to report any sightings of the Asian hornet this summer as nature groups warn of a potential surge in damaging invasive non-native species.

Aaran Wilson spoke of his reaction after spotting what he says was an Asian hornet in the bathroom of his Padgate home.

But beekeeping experts have been in touch to say the insect is in fact a harmless European hornet.

He photographed the insect, which he described as being around one-and-a-half inches long.

“It was like when you see a big spider and your heart drops,” he commented.

The UK’s chief plant health officer has called for the public to be increasingly vigilant to the presence of the hornet after record sightings in the country last year.

Asian hornets pose no greater risk to human health than native hornets, but they threaten honey bees and insect pollinators.

The Environment Department, or Defra, said the species is not established in the UK yet, but early trapping is fundamental to eradication efforts.


It comes as the Wildlife and Countryside Link (WCL) warned that recent flooding and warming temperatures have increased the risk of problem species already in the UK growing and spreading.

This includes Japanese knotweed, which can cause structural damage, giant hogweed, with sap that can cause burns to skin, and Himalayan balsam, which out-competes native species and increases flood risks.

The WCL said the volatile conditions have also increased the risk of new species establishing themselves in the UK, like the red imported fire ant, Chinese mitten crab and Chinese mystery snail, which are making their way across Europe.

Defra said members of the public can report any sightings of the Asian hornet, which have very dark bodies, a wide orange stripe on the forth abdomen section and yellow leg ends, via the Asian Hornet Watch App.

It added that the National Bee Unit stands ready to respond quickly and effectively to any further possible sightings, after attending every credible report last year and destroying 72 nests in 56 locations – mostly in Kent.

A Defra spokesman said: “Invasive species threaten our native biodiversity and cost the economy billions every year.

“That is why we support the Invasive Species Inspectorate in carrying out its role to protect the nation’s biosecurity.

“Through our Invasive Non-Native Species Strategy, we remain committed to going even further to detect, protect and eradicate the threats they pose, while increasing co-ordination and co-operation with the public, land managers and businesses to deliver this.”