FILMING is underway in Warrington for a gripping new gangster epic set to hit the screens this September.

Famous faces including Happy Mondays frontman Shaun Ryder and dancer Bez will feature in the flick Geezers, which is currently filming scenes at various locations around town.

Pictures of film crews on set at The Hive building, on Cairo Street, have been released as film director Ciaron Davies revealed a portion of the filming would take place in Warrington town centre.

Meanwhile other locations selected to film scenes for the crime movie have included the Fat Cat Ball Room also on Cairo Street and the old bank vault.

Warrington Guardian: Scenes are being shot in and around The Hive building on Cairo StreetScenes are being shot in and around The Hive building on Cairo Street (Image: Supplied)
The film, which will see Shaun Ryder play the role of a drug pusher, is a crime caper about a stolen bag of money and a war between the rival gangs who want to get it.

Caught in the cross fire are 'The Geezers' a bunch of wannabe criminals who have bitten off more then they can chew.

It boasts an international cast including Hannah Bang Bendz, from Wrath of Dracula and Sean Cronin from Mission Impossible and is written and directed by Ciaron Davies who has worked on films including Grainne Uaile, 5th dimension and Magic Island.

Speaking on his choice of filming locations for the new motion picture which is aimed to hit streaming platforms later in the year, Davies said: “We are very excited to film in Warrington as it’s a stunning backdrop for our exciting action film and the local businesses have been a great help in the filming that we have done there.”

Warrington Guardian: Scenes are being shot in and around WarringtonScenes are being shot in and around Warrington (Image: Supplied)
Summarising the film he added: “It’s a fast past thrill ride packed with car chances, shoot outs and compelling action scenes, Geezers is somewhere between Snatch and John Wick.

“Featuring a lot of tactical stunt work, martial arts and brilliantly visualised violent aesthetics, the movie is also reminiscent of Hong Kong crime films as well as working within the genre of a British gangster flick.”

To find out more visit the Geezers Facebook page here.