A Conservative councillor in Salford has been criticised after taking on a second role at a parish council in Warrington.

Les Turner, who represents the Boothstown and Ellenbrook ward in Salford, was elected on Culcheth and Glazebury Parish Council in this year’s local elections.

Mr Turner’s new role was highlighted by Salford mayor Paul Dennett during a full council meeting on Wednesday, May 15, at Salford Civic Centre.

Mr Dennett said it would mean higher council tax bills for residents in Culcheth and Glazebury, as a parish council which charges residents for services through a precept.

He also said that Mr Turned failed to mention his role at Salford council on leaflets during his Culcheth and Glazebury election campaign.

Minutes from Culcheth and Glazebury Parish Council’s January meeting about the precept stated that a band D equivalent charge of £37.92 was agreed, resulting in a total precept of £129,648 in 2024/25.

Mr Dennett said: “Councillor Turner has been duly elected and he is putting an additional precept onto the council tax bills of the good people of Culcheth and Glazebury, to furnish you with your public office in that beloved parish council.

“But my advice for the future is if you do issue any more literature, do let them know you’re also serving on Salford City Council, it wouldn’t be remiss of you to do that.”

Jim King, a Labour councillor in Salford, added: “I’d like to join the city mayor in congratulating councillor Turner on reaching the dizzy heights of a parish council in Glazebury, that will keep you busy for the next number of years.”

Coun Turner said the role is a voluntary one, which will allow him to contribute to the community in the area where he also lives.

He told the Local Democracy Reporting Service: “I would say I’m multitasking. It’s one meeting a month in the evening, I walk to it, it’s dead easy.

“I do feel we should be able to participate in the community because it’s the lowest level, there’s no real power, Warrington Borough Council holds the power.

“The other thing that’s worth noting is that Warrington’s council tax is lower than Salford.

“I don’t get any more for it [the role], there’s a precept, they get a little bit of money to put a bench up at the end of the road and so on.

“When you live in a place and it’s a village, you feel like you want to help.”

Mr Turner was paid a total of £22,500 by Salford council in the 2023/24 financial year, from basic and special allowances for elected members.