A BOOK to mark historic celebrations in the history of Thelwall has been published.

Last year marked the 1,100 year anniversary of when the beautiful village became a 'cyty'.

The inscription on the gable wall of the Pickering Arms pub in Thelwall records the arrival of King Edward the Elder in the year 923, to fortify the village at a strategic crossing on the Mersey.

He founded a ‘cyty’ here and called it Thelwall.

In 1923, 15,000 people travelled to the village to celebrate the millenary of this important event.

Then, in September 2023, the people of Thelwall and beyond came together again to celebrate 1,100 years a ‘cyty’.

A spokesman said: "As time passes memories fade and first hand accounts become increasingly scare. Today, photography can transport us back to these moments in history, enabling future generations to view the past.

"Four volunteers in Thelwall, on behalf of the Thelwall 1100 Festival Committee, have worked together to produce a beautiful, high quality visual record of those celebrations in 2023. Mike Moss, Kerrie Johns, Jenny Jones and Sue Lees are delighted with the final commemorative photobook."

Copies cost £15 and are now available to buy. The book will be on sale at the monthly Thelwall History Group meetings, the Laskey Farm Open Garden events, and at the Thelwall Rose Queen which takes place on Saturday, June 15.