A VISION to build up to 3,800 new homes in a ‘high-quality riverside environment’ forms a key part of Warrington’s ‘growth ambition’.

The council’s cabinet is being recommended to agree the revised Warrington Means Business, the fourth edition, as the framework for business growth and regeneration in the borough at its meeting next Tuesday.

It is Warrington’s economic growth and regeneration programme, and sets out the town’s ambitions in supporting the council’s corporate priority to ‘grow a strong economy’.

A report to cabinet says: “Warrington is one of the most powerful engines of economic growth in the north west and the UK today.”

It also states it is now ‘timely’ that Warrington Means Business is updated to better reflect the council’s growth ambitions and to more clearly promote the town’s ‘growth and investment potential and opportunities’.

Warrington Means Business has been used to promote the growth of the borough, attract investment and development and has guided the growth and infrastructure programmes of the council, Warrington & Co, the Cheshire and Warrington Local Enterprise Partnership and other key partners.

In relation to ‘opportunities for growth’, the document highlights that Northern Powerhouse Rail will create a hub station at Warrington Bank Quay providing a junction between the West Coast Main Line and proposed Northern Powerhouse Rail (NPR) East-West route.

It also highlights the Local Plan and the proposed Western Link bypass.

“Warrington’s new Local Plan was adopted in December 2023,” it says.

“It seeks to meet Warrington’s future development needs by planning for a minimum of 14,688 homes and 168 hectares of employment land in the plan period up to 2038-39.

“The prospect of a new Western Link will open up the Warrington waterfront main development area allocation, unlocking an additional 1,300 new homes.

“Over the longer term, the council considers that NPR provides the opportunity to broaden the waterfront regeneration area, connecting it directly into the town centre and further increasing housing and employment land supply.

“The waterfront is a key regeneration priority for the council, the principle of which has been established in previous local plans.

“The council’s town centre masterplan envisages the waterfront as an extension to Warrington town centre, providing a 1,500 to 3,800 new homes located within a high-quality riverside environment and taking advantage of the proximity of Bank Quay Station.”

The cabinet is also recommended to agree to delegate to the director of growth, with the leader, any final minor amendments and alterations prior to final publication.