GRAND plans to build a new Warrington Bank Quay station will change Warrington town centre forever a new report states.

The station would become the only hub station for the new Northern Powerhouse line, taking passengers to the likes of Manchester, Liverpool and Leeds quicker than ever.

The report, which will be considered by councillors next week, maps out how this will affect the town centre - calling the changes 'catalytic'.

It would see more pedestrian links created and use pedestrian bridges over the Mersey to use currently neglected land at Arpley.

The report also claims by increasing access to other areas, it will create more demand for homes in Warrington town centre.

How the new hub could look

How the new hub could look

It added: "The reinstated rail link has the potential to place Bank Quay within a 15 minute journey of 35 million square foot of office space and six million people, making it the best connected stop on the NPR line in terms of commuting and connectivity.

"It is little wonder that 13,000+ more people commute into the borough each day than commute out – put simply there are more jobs than working age people and this illustrates what an excellent business location the town represents.

"Post NPR Warrington Bank Quay will be within 20 minutes of Liverpool Lime Street, Liverpool Airport, Birchwood, Manchester Airport and Manchester city centre.

"Realisable time savings of 80% will effectively create an express line within the hour from Liverpool to Leeds taking in three of the top six major population centres in the country.

"This will have a major impact on appetite for mid rise residential within the town centre, from a purchasers point of view likely be 30% cheaper than buying or renting in neighbouring conurbations."

The report says the new station would also see office, hotel and regional conferencing as well.

There are also plans for use the vicinity of the Mersey to encourage more people to walk.

A map of the future

A map of the future

The report adds: "Our vision introduces a new pedestrian-friendly street leading to the new Warrington Bank Quay station.

"At ground level, vibrant shop fronts and cafés will spill out onto the street, infusing the area with vitality.

"The integration of urban greenery, including rain gardens and Sustainable Urban Drainage Systems (SUDS), will not only enhance the aesthetics but also promote a healthier environment, attracting wildlife and nature.

"By prioritising pedestrians over cars, our streets will become hubs of activity, encouraging modes of transport such as walking and cycling."