AN inspirational six-year-old girl who made it her mission to clean up the streets of Orford has had a special assembly held at her school to celebrate her achievements.

Violet Smith was a worthy winner of one of the Warrington Guardian Inspiration Awards following the news of her impressive work, clearing litter from the streets of her home on her commute to school each day.

The Beamont Primary pupil was awarded Child of the Year at the ceremony which was hosted at the Village Hotel in Centre Park Square in April.

And to congratulate their trailblazing pupil, staff at the school hosted a special assembly last week.

Head teacher at the school Karen Morris said: “We shared the news with the wider school as we are so proud of her achievements.

“Violet was nominated by a secret someone for her efforts with litter picking around where she lives.

“She was inspired to carry out her good deeds after a classroom discussion about litter. During that lesson the children also found out about why litter can be dangerous to wildlife, so she stepped up to try to help.”

The Year one pupil’s mum Amy went along to the assembly to share in the celebrations.

“I’m sure all of Violet’s family and friends are exceptionally proud of her, as we are,” Karen Morris added. “Well done, Violet.”