A CHURCH in Great Sankey has launched an appeal to raise £67,000 to help provide better facilities.

In March, St Mary’s Church launched the appeal help fundraise its proposed plans to improve the building.

So far, the appeal has raised £30,000, after the sale of its former church hall on Barnes Close helped add a significant sum of money to the cause.

The plans include demolishing the existing linkway between the church and its family room and building a new linkway to include two new toilets, a kitchen and new entrances at the front and rear of the building.

The appeal also hopes to raise the level of the linkway and the family room to the same level as the church, as well as insulate the family room and put in a sound-proof dividing screen.

“We are delighted to have had such a good response to our appeal so far and thank those who have contributed to our Gift Day and fundraising events,” said Reverend Jeremey Tear, Pioneer Team Vicar for St Mary’s.

“If you would like to help us make this extension a reality, we would be delighted to hear from you.”

For further information on the extension and how you can contribute to the appeal, click here.