HOSPITAL security were attacked by an asylum seeker.

Amine Mibarkia has been found guilty of a string of six offences following an incident at Warrington Hospital on June 25 last year.

Will Griffin, prosecuting, explained how the 27-year-old assaulted three security staff as well as a Cheshire Police constable, all of whom gave evidence at Warrington Magistrates Court on Wednesday (May 8).

The court heard how the three guards came across a topless Mibarkia, whose address was given as Chiltern Way in St Helens, outside the main entrance to A&E at around 3.30am.

He told security he was a patient, however, enquiries revealed he had already been medically discharged.

With Mibarkia acting in an 'aggressive and threatening' manner in a busy waiting room, Cheshire Police were called and he was taken outside the building and restrained.

However, he managed to swipe the legs of one of the security guards, Kevin Burke, who fell and hit his head on a wall.

CCTV and bodycam footage shown in court showed how Mibarkia ran off before returning moments later holding a sharp object, proceeding to cut his chest which soon became covered in blood.

The A&E department was locked down before police arrived.

Giving evidence in court, security officer Michael Rogers said Mibarkia was 'very confrontational and intimidating' when they first found him.

Mr Rogers continued: “He was shirtless, sweating profusely, very erratic, eyes darting around.

“Members of the public (in A&E waiting room) were very intimidated. They were looking to us to manage the situation. He was clearly a threat to others who were there.”

Recalling Mibarkia’s behaviour as they restrained him, Mr Rogers added: “He told us he was going to go crazy and that we wouldn’t be able to control him.

 “I felt very intimidated.

“We didn’t know what this individual was capable of. Didn’t know how far he was willing to escalate the situation.”

One of the police officers to arrive at the hospital, Sam Fowler, also gave evidence.

He described how he thought Mibarkia intended to headbutt him before he and his colleagues were able to handcuff him.

Mibarkia was charged with two counts of common assault, assault of an emergency worker, assault by beating, and two counts of threatening behaviour.

He was due to stand trial at Warrington Magistrates Court on Wednesday but did not attend.

Defending, Alex Dunn explained that his client was an asylum seeker and so may not have received notice of the trial, adding that his current whereabouts are unknown.

However, the magistrates opted to proceed in his absence, at which point Mr Dunn left the courtroom.

Mibarkia was found guilty of all six charges and a warrant for his arrest was issued.