A FLASHER from Warrington has been banned from entering a northern city for the next 12 months.

Paul Dolan was visiting a bar in York when he exposed his genitals.

The 32-year-old was subsequently charged with exposure, and he appeared recently to be sentenced at York Magistrates’ Court.

Here, he was handed rehabilitative work and an alcohol treatment requirement.

Prosecuting in the case, Sarah Tyrer informed the court how the incident occurred on March 15 this year.

Dolan, of Padgate, was visiting York and ventured into O’Neill’s bar on Low Ousegate in the city centre.

He admitted that, at the premises, he intentionally exposed his genitals intending that someone would see them and be caused alarm or distress.

Having entered a guilty plea at a previous court appearance, the defendant appeared in court for his sentencing without legal representation.

District judge Adrian Lower remarked that the offence was serious enough to merit a community penalty.

Dolan, of Egerton Avenue, was sentenced to a 12-month community order, including 25 rehabilitation activity requirement days.

He must also complete an alcohol treatment requirement for six months and abide by an exclusion order prohibiting him from entering York for the next 12 months

In addition, he was told he must sign the sex offender register for the next five years and pay costs to the Crown Prosecution Service of £85.