A HARASSER has been sentenced by the courts after making a couple fear violence.

Colin Gleave appeared before Warrington Magistrates’ Court to be sentenced, having pleaded guilty to a charge of harassment with fear of violence at an earlier hearing.

The 44-year-old admitted that, through his course of conduct, he knew or ought to have known that his behaviour would cause fear of violence.

Between July 6 and 13 last year, in Warrington, Gleave banged on the door of a man and woman’s home and made threats to assault them.

Magistrates said they would take the defendant's guilty plea into account, and that the offence was serious enough for a community penalty.

Gleave, of Grasmere Avenue in Orford, was sentenced to a 12-month community order, including 15 rehabilitation activity requirement days.

He was also made the subject of a 12-month restraining order prohibiting him from contacting the two victims and entering the curtilage of a named Warrington address.

In addition, the court fined the defendant £778 and ordered him to pay a victim surcharge of £114 and court costs of £200.