RESIDENTS have been complaining to councillors about the number of blocked gullies in Lymm.

These are reported to Warrington Borough Council and it has been highlighted that ‘some work is carried out but many more remain blocked’.

Luke Stuttard – a Liberal Democrat candidate in Lymm South in the upcoming borough council election – says ‘problems have got worse due to the excessive rain we have had recently’.

“This has led to flooding at the side of roads which is unsightly and can lead to pedestrians and cyclists getting soaked from vehicles driving through the water,” he added.

“I am a highways inspector on the Institute of Highway Engineers’ Register.

“As part of my job, I carry out regular inspections of blocked drains and gullies, potholes and general highway defects.

“I either clear and fix blocked gullies myself or I employ contractors to do the work as quickly as possible.

“I share Lymm residents’ frustrations about blocked drains and potholes and if elected as a councillor in the local elections, I intend to bring my experience to help resolve these issues as quickly and effectively as possible.”