BABY sign language classes will return to Great Sankey later this week with workshops specifically for families with newborn babies.

TinyTalk Warrington, which won last year’s Best for Kids 2023, will launch a six-week course focusing on supporting parents through the tricky early weeks and months with a tiny baby.

The baby language and communication classes will be held each Friday at St James’ Church on Canons Road, Great Sankey.

Each session will look at how tiny babies communicate using their senses and how parents can use this knowledge to develop a clearer understanding of their child’s cues and needs.

The series of classes will use songs, BSL based baby signs, rhymes and activities to ease families through the challenging early weeks of having a new baby.

TinyTalk Warrington class teacher Thérèse Markham

TinyTalk Warrington class teacher Thérèse Markham

Thérèse Markham, TinyTalk Warrington owner of 19 years, said: “It is amazing how much our babies want to tell us, even from a very young age.

“I’m looking forward to helping new parents from the area negotiate the often tricky 4th trimester.

“The workshop helps parents to identify their baby’s early communication cues, as well as meeting other new parents.

“It’s so vital that they have others around who are dealing with similar challenges and give them a few ideas up their sleeves which might help soothe and settle their babies when things get tough!”

The six-week class course is suitable for babies up to the age of 12 week and complements TinyTalk's existing award-winning programme of Baby Signing (suitable from birth up to two years) and Toddler Talking classes (for confident walkers over the age of 18 months).

Click here for more information