A WOMAN assaulted a nurse at Warrington Hospital after being told she was being discharged.

Katie Blakeman was being ‘rude’ to members of staff and playing ‘offensive music’ on the ward before the incident occurred on January 18.

Prosecuting, Joseph Kindley, said Blakeman was discharged and after being asked to leave the hospital ‘threw her phone at the health care assistant’.

“It narrowly missed her and hit a wall,” Mr Kindley told Warrington Magistrates Court on Tuesday.

Cheshire Police were called to the hospital and Blakeman was arrested and interviewed.

“She appeared to be disruptive throughout the interview and was laughing.

“When asked where she was when she was arrested, she replied ‘with my AK47 rifle’.”

Blakeman went on to tell police in relation to the incident that ‘I thought I was throwing a paper plane’ when she launched her mobile phone at the hospital staff.

And when asked by police if she was concerned about hurting the nurse in question she responded ‘f*cking good’ and told the police she had no regrets about the assault.

The defendant, of Peasley Cross Hospital, St Helens, pleaded guilty to one count of common assault on an emergency worker at Warrington Magistrates Court and faced sentencing.

Defending, David Rob said his client has ‘complex mental health issues’ including bipolar and psychotic episodes.

“She threw the phone over the top of a closed curtain and the nurse dodged it,” he added.

Mr Rob said Blakeman hallucinates and hears voices and went to the hospital that day as she did not feel safe at home.

“Unfortunately, she has behaved in the manor that she did,” he said.

Concluding the hearing, chair of the bench Ian Johnstone served the defendant a £100 fine as well as a victim surcharge of £40 and court fees to pay of £120.