A NUMBER of roads in Warrington will be closed as one of the most popular events in the town’s spring calendar takes place this weekend.

Warrington Irish Club will be hosting its annual St Patrick's Day parade on Sunday.

It is also the club’s 60th anniversary this year – with organisers aiming for the parade to be even bigger and better parade than usual.

Parade participants will leave Warrington Irish Club on Orford Lane at 10.30am on Sunday.

The mayor and council dignitaries normally arrive at the club at about 10.15am.

The parade heads to Bridge Street and back and is traditionally held on the Sunday closest to St Patrick's Day.

As a result, Warrington Borough Council has published a traffic notice warning of road closures this Sunday.

No vehicles, except those taking part in the event, as well as police, paramedics and firefighters, are permitted to travel on seven named roads.

These are Orford Lane, Pinners Brow, Winwick Street, Scotland Road, Academy Street, Academy Way and Bridge Street.

This is between the hours of 10am and 1pm on Sunday, for as long is required for the safe passage of the parade.

Bicycles are included in the term ‘vehicle’ and must not be ridden through any of the above streets during the hours specified, the council says.

Any person wilfully acting in contravention of the order will be liable to a penalty of up to £400.

Pedestrian and emergency routes will be maintained.