YEAR six pupils across the country found out this week which high school they will be attending in the new school year.

Parents were able to make three preferences of schools with the hope that their first choice would be allocated to their child.

And Warrington Borough Council revealed first place figures have risen this year in the town to a respectable 91.1 per cent, equating to 2559 pupils getting the school of their choice.

In recognition of this, we thought we would give you insight into what each secondary school in Warrington has been rated by Ofsted up to now.

The education regulators use a four-point grading scale for inspection judgements:

These are:

Grade 1: outstanding.

Grade 2: good.

Grade 3: requires improvement.

Grade 4: inadequate.

Padgate Academy – ‘good’

Last inspected in May, 2023, Padgate Academy were rated a good school.

A report by inspectors began: “Padgate Academy is a caring and welcoming learning environment for pupils. New arrivals to the school, including pupils who speak English as an additional language, are helped by staff to settle in quickly.

“Pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND), including those who attend the specially resourced provision for pupils with SEND (specially resourced provision), are fully included in all aspects of school life.”

Beamont Collegiate Academy – ‘good’

Beamont Collegiate based in Orford received its most recent Ofsted visit in July 2022 and was rated good.

The Inspectors report read: “Pupils at Beamont enjoy coming to school. They are happy and friendly. Pupils like the enrichment activities that leaders provide.

“These opportunities are wide-ranging and include choir, chess, and yoga. Pupils particularly enjoy the combined cadet force.”

Sir Thomas Boteler Church of England High School – ‘good’

Latchford based, Sir Thomas Boteler last received an inspection from the education watchdogs in October 2021 which determined it to be a good school.

The report read: “Pupils are immensely proud of their school. They value the sense of belonging that they feel in this tight-knit community.

“Many pupils told inspectors that they feel part of the ‘Boteler’ family. Pupils were positive about the close relationships that they forge with adults.”

Cardinal Newman Catholic High School – ‘good’

Based in Latchford, Cardinal Newman received a visit from Ofsted in November 2022 which determined the school to be good.

The inspectors report began: “Pupils are proud to be part of this happy and welcoming school. They feel valued by leaders.

“Leaders have high expectations of pupils’ behaviour and achievement. Pupils, including those with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND), rise well to these expectations.”

St Gregory’s Catholic School – ‘good’

St Gregory’s was first last inspected by Ofsted in November 2019.

A report by inspectors said: “Pupils at St Gregory’s are happy, confident and welcoming to visitors. They like each other. There is a strong sense of community across the school.

“This reflects the school vision, ‘One family inspired to learn’. One pupil said: ‘We are cared about as individuals but, because everyone cares, that makes us all one.’

“Pupils are safe in school. They say that there are many people that they can talk to if they have any worries or concerns. Bullying is not tolerated. Leaders and teachers deal quickly with any bullying incidents that occur.”

Birchwood Community High School – ‘good’

Birchwood High was rated good by Ofsted in its last inspection in October, 2018.

“Leaders, including governors, have an accurate view of the quality of education in the school. They have effectively addressed the areas for improvement which inspectors identified at the last inspection.

“They have welcomed external support from the leadership of two other schools and an independent school improvement partner.

“In addition, participation in ‘subject hubs’ organised by the local authority and the work undertaken by specialist leaders of education from other schools have been significant in developing better teaching and subject leadership as well as more accurate assessment.”

Bridgewater High School – ‘good’

Based in Appleton, Bridgewater had a visit from Ofsted in October, 2022 where it was rated good by inspectors.

The report begins: “Bridgewater High School is a welcoming and friendly school. Leaders and staff have high expectations of pupils’ behaviour and achievement.

“In most subjects, pupils, including those with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND), learn well.”

“Pupils are happy at school and enjoy learning. They feel safe and gain a strong appreciation of equality and diversity.

Woolston Brook School – ‘good’

This secondary school in Padgate was last visited by Ofsted in January 2019 and was given a rating of good.

The report read: “The recently appointed headteacher provides clear vision and drive to build on existing good practice and secure further improvements.

“She is unequivocally focused on ensuring that each pupil makes the best possible progress. The headteacher is ably supported by the deputy headteacher.

“Leaders promote a culture of high expectations for pupils’ behaviour and achievement. Staff across the school endorse these high expectations and reinforce them in all their interactions with pupils.”

King's Leadership Academy Warrington – ‘outstanding’

This academy located in Woolston received the highest rating by Ofsted of outstanding in its most recent visit in July 2019.

The report read: “The headteacher, trustees and other senior leaders share a clear vision, focusing on pupils’ character and academic achievement. Staff implement the vision very effectively, and pupils receive an outstanding education.”

“Leaders are committed to equality. Pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) are supported very well.”

Great Sankey High School – ‘good’

Great Sankey High School last received an inspection in March, 2023, when it was rated a good school.

The inspectors report read: “Pupils, and students in the sixth form, spoke positively about their time at Great Sankey High School. Relationships between pupils and staff are respectful and caring.

“Pupils said that bullying is not tolerated and, that when it does happen, it is dealt with well. Pupils told inspectors that they feel safe and happy in school. Recently, leaders have transformed the culture in school by raising staff’s expectations of pupils’ behaviour.

“The vast majority of pupils strive to live up to these expectations. There are clear and consistent routines in place which contribute to the calm atmosphere in classrooms.”

Lymm High School - 'good'

Lymm Highschool was rated good in its most recent visit by Ofsted in December 2022, with expectations of being rated Outstanding in its next graded inspection.

The report read: “Pupils at Lymm High School, including students in the sixth form, commit fully to the school’s values.

“Leaders and staff encourage them to enjoy learning, achieve their potential and become socially responsible citizens. Pupils and students are exceptionally polite and respectful towards each other, members of staff and visitors to the school.”

Culcheth High School – ‘good’

This secondary school last received a visit from Ofsted in November 2022 when it was rated a good school.

An official report began: “Pupils are proud to be part of this inclusive community. The school values are ‘respect, honesty and excellence’. Pupils live up to these values by working hard and respecting each other’s differences.

“They enjoy good, honest relationships with senior staff and teachers. Pupils’ behaviour matches the high expectations of their teachers. In lessons, pupils listen, join in enthusiastically when invited by their teacher and concentrate thoroughly on their work.”

To read any of the reports in full visit the website