A THIRD man has been jailed following an Orford drugs den being rumbled by police, where he was found with bags of cocaine and heroin. 

Benjamin Dawson, 36, appeared at Chester Crown Court to be sentenced for two counts of conspiring to supply class A drugs, namely cocaine and heroin.

Dawson appeared alongside David Jackson, 42, who was also being sentenced for two counts of conspiracy to supply cocaine and heroin.

The pair were the final two co-conspirators sentenced for a case that saw two men previously jailed for a combined 7 years and 2 months.

Mark Boden, who was previously jailed for 4 years and 7 months, ran a drugs den out of his Orford address.

Jackson was stopped outside the den in Orford by police and found with drugs on him. Police then raided the property, where Dawson was found with scales covered in white and brown powder.

The 36-year-old tried to run, fleeing into the kitchen away from police. He was arrested on the scene.

Later, wraps of powder, two black bags containing drugs, and graft phones were found. This all occurred in December 2021.

Recorder Steven Everett said of the operation at the sentencing of Boden: “As best I can see this was a small-time drug operation. You were making probably not large amounts of money, but you were making money.”

He went on to add: “You operated in a chain, people were above you and addicts were bellow you.”

Dawson, of Riverslea Road in Liverpool, was sentenced to 2 years and 11 months immediate imprisonment.

Jackson avoided immediate jail time, receiving a suspended sentence of 20 months, suspended for 2 years.