PRIESTLEY students have enjoyed a once-in-a-lifetime experience exploring volcanoes.

The 38 learners, who all study geography, geology or environmental science at the Loushers Lane college, spent seven days in Sicily, which included visits to Mounts Etna and Stromboli.

“My favourite day was when we climbed Stromboli,” said Hannah Garbutt, a geography student who previously attended Culcheth High.

“It took us a few hours to get up, but was worth the wait when we experienced the volcano erupting, releasing magma.”

After watching sunset at the summit, the group had the unique experience of making their descent in the dark.

Another highlight was travelling on a snow bus up to Mount Etna where the views were incredible.

All four volcano walks the Priestley students took part in were quite different.

Another geography student, Harvey Bold, said: “The experience really put into perspective everything we have been learning in the classroom.”