COUNCILLORS are being recommended to approve plans for a substation in Lymm.

An application proposing the substation, on land off Mayfield View, will come before the development management committee at its Town Hall meeting on Thursday.

A report to the committee says the proposed development involves the erection of a substation to support the residential development of five dwellings occupying the wider site, which is still in the process of being constructed.

It adds: “The substation is required as the local electrical grid will require reinforcement to accommodate the energy generated by the solar panels to the roofs of the residential development.

“The substation would be housed in a building constructed from red brick with a grey/black GRP roof with a very shallow pitch. The building would have a maximum height of 2.7m, being 3.6m in width and length.

“A small compound would be formed around the substation which would consist of a 2.4m high reclaimed jarrah wood fence to the eastern edge and a 2.4m high hedge to the north, south, and east.

“The compound would be accessed via a meadow planted geogrid running between the compound and the access road off Mayfield View which serves the residential development.”

Furthermore, the report says the principle of development would be acceptable as the proposals ‘would support the existing residential development in the wider site off Mayfield View’.

It also states that, subject to conditions, there would be ‘no unacceptable harm’ to visual and residential amenity, the local highway network, or trees.

The application is being recommended for approval, subject to conditions, with delegated authority given to the development manager to make non-material changes to planning conditions and reasons as may be necessary prior to the issue of the decision.