AN unkempt patch of land that was formerly home to a nursery is set to be built on to provide homes for young people.

The site in question is on Longshaw Street in Bewsey, which is currently vacant after a nursery building was demolished back in 2016.

Plans have been drawn up to build six one-bed apartment units and a one-bed staff accommodation unit in a two-storey building, with seven parking spaces.

They are linked to an almost identical scheme proposed just down the road on the corner of Troutbeck Avenue and Longshaw Street.

Like the aforementioned plans, the scheme will go before councillors who make up the development management committee at the Town Hall on Thursday.

It was called-in as the proposal is by applicant Warrington Borough Council on council-owned land.

Again, like it’s sister plans, the application has been recommended for approval, according to an officer report prepared in advance of the meeting.

In its current state, the site has railings to the front along Longshaw Street with a number of trees present, including a large, mature weeping willow tree that can be seen for some distance.

According to recommendations, this tree would be retained.

The building would house independent but supported living apartments for high-needs homeless young people, including care leavers, and accommodation reserved for a 24-hour, on-site care manager.

It is also intended that the manager’s accommodation will be used for meetings and de-briefing requirements during staff change-overs.

The site was formerly home to a nursery which was later demolished. Picture: Google Maps

The site was formerly home to a nursery which was later demolished. Picture: Google Maps

Plans state: “The proposal is sought to support the council’s housing and homelessness team in providing accommodation to reduce the number of 18 to 25-year-olds at risk of or experiencing homelessness.

“The children’s social care team will also benefit from the proposal as young people in placements post-18 years can be moved on into the proposed single homelessness accommodation programme units, thereby freeing up a placement to allow movement for children needing placements.

“This scheme has come forward as the council has been identified by the Department of Levelling Up, Housing and Communities as a borough that would benefit from addressing homelessness and risk of homelessness in the younger population, specifically 18 to 25-year-olds.

“The project is part funded by a £200million Government initiative which aims to deliver up to 2,400 homes and support services for people sleeping rough or at risk of homelessness by provided supported housing.

“Homes England will provide 50 per cent of the construction costs, which will be match funded by the council, with Homes England funding the support staff for the first three years.”

One letter of objection was submitted by a resident raising concerns over privacy, noise and disruptive behaviour, littering, drug taking and monitoring of residents.

In recommending approval, planning officers said: “The principle of a supported residential development at the site is considered acceptable.

“It is further considered that overall, subject to conditions, the scheme would not have any unacceptably adverse impacts on residential or visual amenity or the highway network.

“The proposal would also bring a vacant site back into a sustainable use and offers substantial health and social benefits by meeting an identified housing need in the borough.

“The proposal also offers some benefits in terms of upgrading the ecological value of the site.

“The proposal complies with planning policies, and it is therefore recommended that planning permission be granted subject to conditions.”