WORK is under way to demolish Scotland Road bridge.

The pedestrian bridge, which connects Cockhedge Shopping Centre to the town centre, is soon to be no more.

Pictures captured by Warrington Guardian Camera Club member Ken Hewitt yesterday, Wednesday, show it is in the process of being dismantled.

This is in line with plans to partially demolish Cockhedge Shopping Centre.

The bridge destruction comes as a traffic notice came into place for Cockhedge Way yesterday.

Warrington Guardian:

It consists of the temporary prohibition of driving and footway closure which is in place between the road’s junctions with Scotland Road and Orford Street.

The order will be effective for a period of up to four weeks.

An alternative route has been drawn up taking motorists via Scotland Road and Buttermarket Street.

The notice states: “The restrictions are required to allow for the safe demolition of the Cockhedge Centre.”

Warrington Guardian: