A DEALER has been handed years behind bars by the courts for his role in the supply of drugs.

Michael Skeech was handed a sentence of more than four years in prison for aiding the availability of illegal substances in Warrington.

The 35-year-old appeared before the magistrates court last year after being charged with possession with intent to supply crack cocaine, cocaine, heroin and cannabis, and obstructing an officer.

The case proceeded to trial at Liverpool Crown Court, where the defendant was convicted by a jury.

Skeech, of Whitegate Avenue in Culcheth, was subsequently sentenced to 54 months in prison.

On the blight of drug dealing in Warrington, one judge has said: “This type of offending is prevalent, and class A drugs are dangerous and toxic.

“The supply of such drugs is responsible for violent crime, causes misery for countless people, and is a curse on our communities.”

A spokesman for Cheshire Police previously said: “We are doing all we can to stop drug activity on our streets, to make our county a safer place to live and visit, while also making it extremely difficult for gangs to operate.

“We will always act on any information about drug activity provided to us, and we would urge anyone who believes this activity is happening near to them to please contact Cheshire Police.”

Anyone with information about illegal drug activity in their area can report it to Cheshire Police by calling 101 or visiting cheshire.police.uk

Information can also be passed anonymously to Crimestoppers by calling 0800 555 111 or visiting crimestoppers-uk.org