A LOWLIFE stole his sexual assault victim’s bank card while she was sedated in hospital, after she attempted suicide following his assault.

Johnathan Rutter, 45, appeared at Liverpool Crown Court on Wednesday, January 31, accused of sexual assault and theft.

Prosecuting, Frank Dillon told the court how Rutter had sexually assaulted his victim on October 28.

The victim and some friends had gone out for a drink, and returned to find the defendant in her house.

Rutter began verbally abusing her, before pulling out his penis and putting it on her face. He yelled ‘put this in your gob’ before being pulled away by one of her friend’s who Rutter also began verbally abusing.

After this incident, the victim attempted suicide, and was taken to hospital. While there, Rutter visited her and was seen by a member of staff taking her bank card from her pocket while she was sedated.

The defendant then went and took out £80 from a cash machine using her card. After she was discharged from hospital he called her to say he had £80 for her, after which she called the police.

In a victim personal statement, the court heard how the victim had suffered ‘mental and physical effects’ as a result of this incident.

She said: “I feel I have a sentence over me for life.”

Defending Rutter, Carmel Wilde told the court how he was ‘embarrassed’ and full of ‘shame’ over the incident, going on to say he should feel this way as it was a ‘disgusting and demeaning offence’.

Rutter, of Lovely Lane, has been convicted of 23 separate offences in the past.

Presiding, Recorder Peter Wright said this was a ‘despicable offence’ and went on to state that the £80 theft added ‘insult to injury’.

Recorder Wright said: “That woman was sexually assaulted, and embarrassed in front of her friends by you.

“The victim personal statement articulates what is the profound effect your offending had on this woman.”

Rutter was sentenced to 33 months in prison for his offending.