A SERVICE dedicated to improving the mental and physical health of people living in an area of Warrington has ‘completely changed the life’ of one resident.

Community health and wellbeing workers from the Bridgewater Community Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust are supporting people living in Oakwood.

This is in a number of ways such as reaching out to people before they even realise they need them - preventing ill health before it happens.

The community workers provide a listening ear, signpost people to the help and support available, and give them the time and space to share any concerns or anxieties they may have.

Speaking about their experience with one of the workers, one resident said: One Oakwood resident said of a Community Health and Wellbeing Worker:

“I was in a really, really bad way at the time, diagnosed with fibromyalgia, long covid, mental health issues and then she came out to see me and she completely changed my life.”

Another said: “She came in and we got chatting and I didn’t think, not that I didn’t need help, but that I wasn’t there for it, that it wasn’t for me.

“I was just like, in a bubble, just in my own bubble. It’s made a huge, huge difference.”

Sam Ollerenshaw, community health and wellbeing worker manager, added: “It’s fabulous to see and hear about the work being done and the difference being made by our staff.

“If you live in the Oakwood area and feel that you or a family member might benefit from meeting up with a community health and wellbeing worker, simply give them a call.”

You can find out more about the service here.