A CHILD safeguarding review has been confirmed following the conclusion of criminal proceedings into the murder of Brianna Ghey.

The 16-year-old schoolgirl, from Birchwood, was killed by Scarlett Jenkinson and Eddie Ratcliffe, having been fatally stabbed in Culcheth Linear Park on February 11 last year.

The pair are now able to be identified following the lifting of reporting restrictions during their sentencing hearing today, Friday, where both were handed life terms.

It has now also been confirmed that both Birchwood High School and Culcheth High School will participate in a child safeguarding practice review.

Jenkinson met Ratcliffe while pupils at Culcheth High, before Jenkinson was transferred, with it being confirmed by police that this was due to her passing cannabis drug sweets to another pupil.

Jenkinson transferred to Birchwood High, where she met Brianna.

The purpose of a child safeguarding practice review is to establish what learning can be identified from the circumstances, with professionals and agencies working together to safeguard children and young people.

It will also identify how the learning should be acted upon, review the effectiveness of policies and procedures and seek assurance about improvements made to multi-agency working.

Chris Hunt, head teacher at Culcheth High School, said: “We offer our deepest sympathies to Brianna’s family, friends and those who knew and loved her.

“We are devastated by these tragic events, which have had a profound impact on our school community.

“Throughout this sad and difficult time, our priority has always been the welfare of our students and staff who have been so badly affected, and ensuring that the right support and care has been in place for all those who need it. This will continue.

“Since this tragic event, we have been working closely with partner agencies across Warrington.

“This will continue as part of the local child safeguarding practice review into this distressing incident, and in line with wider safeguarding considerations.

“We are fully supportive of and engaged with this ongoing, detailed review.”

Although Birchwood High School has released a statement, this does not mention the safeguarding review.

A spokesman for Warrington Safeguarding Partnership added: “Our heartfelt sympathies are with Brianna’s family and friends in what continues to be a profoundly difficult time.

“Warrington’s Safeguarding Partnership has launched an independent safeguarding practice review into this sad and deeply tragic case.

“This practice review is establishing what learning can be identified surrounding the actions of Scarlett Jenkinson and her role in Brianna’s murder.

“It will be a thorough process led by an expert, independent reviewer, which will look at all aspects of this very serious case.

“Reviews of this nature, although rare, are in our view essential to look at all aspects of our collective safeguarding practices.

“While we know people are likely to have many questions, it is important the review is not pre-judged, and is allowed sufficient space for it to be completed.

“This work is now underway, and we expect the review to conclude by early summer, at which point all relevant findings will be published.”

Separately, the Peace in Mind campaign was established by the Warrington Guardian, working alongside Brianna's mum, Esther Ghey, to create a legacy for her daughter.

Raising money for the Mindfulness in Schools Project (MiSP), the Peace in Mind campaign aims to improve mental health and wellbeing support for schoolchildren across the country, beginning in Warrington.

Esther completed the Great North Swim last summer, raising more than £20,000 for MiSP.

The Peace in Mind campaign has raised £50,000, which brings the total raised for the charity in memory of Brianna to £70,000.

This £70,000 will pay for almost 100 members of school staff in Warrington to be trained by MiSP in mindfulness practices, and it is hoped this would have a knock-on effect of improving the support for children in schools.

For more information about the Peace in Mind campaign, or to donate, visit gofundme.com/f/briannagheymemorial