AN application to vary conditions linked to proposals for the Parkside link road look set to be approved.

An application for the variation of two conditions attached to the approved plans to allow for changes in "landscaping, radii of the junctions and updated environmental statement" will come before the planning committee next Tuesday.

It relates to land between the A49 Winwick Road to the A573 Parkside Road, including a portion of the former Parkside Colliery site, and then land from the A573 Parkside Road to the A579 Winwick Lane connecting to M6 junction 22.

A report to the committee says: “This application has been made under Section 73 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990.

“Section 73 allows applications to be made for permission to carry out a development without complying with a condition(s).

“It also allows applications to be made to vary condition(s) previously imposed on a planning permission. A Section 73 planning permission is the grant of a new planning consent.

“However, the original planning permission continues to exist whatever the outcome of the application made under Section 73.”

Furthermore, the report states that the application is "necessitated" by the proposed design alteration by the "reserved matters applications that overlap with the western end of the Parkside link road and differ from the proposals included in the final Parkside link road design".

It adds: “This application would increase the size of the radii of the junctions to the west end of the Parkside link road, they have been increased from 15m to 20m (and in one location to 25m) to accommodate the reserved matters proposals.

“The increased junction corner radii would not impinge upon the safe and efficient flow of traffic onto and off the Parkside link road. The highways officer has advised that there is no highways objection to the proposed variation, and that the proposed changes do not result in any transport impacts in the context of the updated ES.”

The application is being recommended for approval subject to conditions – with authority delegated to the head of planning services to ‘add, amend, or remove conditions as they deem necessary’.