A NEW takeaway could be set to open on a main road in the town centre.

Plans have been submitted to convert two empty units on Sankey Street into a hot food takeaway.

Two former hairdressing units, which have both been closed since the summer, will be converted if plans submitted to Warrington Borough Council are approved.

Part will be retained for a similar use, while part will be converted into hot food takeaway.

Plans said: "The proposals represent an exciting opportunity to provide additional facilities and employment to the town centre, making use of currently empty premises.

"The appearance of the proposal will not be affected due the limited external works proposed. To the rear the fire door will match existing doors, whilst the vertical flue will be designed by a specialist contractor and have integral acoustic and odour controls. All will not be visible from the highway.

"The design of the development has been carefully considered to make best use of the existing premises whilst meeting the needs of the incoming tenants."

The unit would create three full time job and three part time roles.

It would open 11am to 11pm Sunday to Thursday and 11am to 2am on Fridays and Saturdays.

The report summarises: "The design of the change of use has been carefully considered to make best use of the existing structure, while creating almost no impacts to the external fabric of the building.

"The proposals fully accord with all relevant planning policy and guidance, of the Warrington Local Plan

"Furthermore, the proposals clearly accord with all guidance set out within the NPPF, specifically the requirements which set out the presumption in favour of substantiable development.

"The proposals provide the opportunity for a new business to accommodate an empty premises while providing facilities to the town centre high street and providing local employment."