AN eyesore building has been demolished amid fears it could become a magnet for anti-social behaviour.

It comes after permission was granted by Warrington Borough Council’s planning department to level Radcliffe Meadows Nursing Home in Culcheth.

The former 12-bedroom, single-storey care home on Twiss Green Lane closed in July 2020, and the building has been abandoned and boarded up ever since.

Radcliffe Meadows Nursing Home in Culcheth has been demolished

Radcliffe Meadows Nursing Home in Culcheth has been demolished

This will be replaced by two three-bedroom homes, four four-bed and three five-bed – all two stories in height.

A replacement, two-storey care facility will also be built, offering six bedrooms as well as a TV lounge, kitchen, activity room and roof garden.

Applicant Twiss Green Barns Ltd, a Cheshire based, family-run business offering more than 20 years of industry experience, discussed the application in planning documents.

Radcliffe Meadows Nursing Home in Culcheth has been demolished

Radcliffe Meadows Nursing Home in Culcheth has been demolished

It said: “We are looking to supply thriving local demand for housing and specialist care in a proposal which will deliver a range of high quality, high specification homes for the local community, in a sustainable location on brown belt land off Twiss Green Oaks.

“The well-proportioned site offers spacious areas and has been carefully curated to offer privacy to both new and adjoining residents, achieving this by complementing existing properties in both scale and mass.

“The land is currently uncared for and run down. Bespoke designs will rejuvenate this area and bring together the varying house types – 90s to the north and west and new builds to the east – with a consistent use of materials, providing a logical extension of the existing community.

Radcliffe Meadows Nursing Home in Culcheth has been demolished

Radcliffe Meadows Nursing Home in Culcheth has been demolished

“As part of this, we feel it will make a positive contribution to Culcheth by using local trades, merchants along with the benefit to the local economy with the small increase of homes added.

“Further to this, there is an opportunity to offer one of the units as an assisted living facility, giving jobs and essential care back to the local community within the confines of the village.”

Following the plans being submitted, 18 representations were made by residents, who cited a lack of parking for the care facility, noise impact on neighbours, overlooking and the removal of trees.

Radcliffe Meadows Nursing Home in Culcheth has been demolished

Radcliffe Meadows Nursing Home in Culcheth has been demolished

In approving the plans, a planning officer said: “The proposed development would make efficient use of a previously developed site within a defined settlement.

“It would make a contribution to the supply of dwellings within the borough and provide a new six- bed care facility to offset the loss of the existing care home, contributing to meeting the demand for supported housing for adults within the borough.

“There would be no unacceptable impacts in relation to the character and appearance of the area, amenity of existing neighbouring residential occupiers to the site, highway safety or the local ecology.”