WARRINGTON Borough Council has thrown out plans for two new houses to be built along a busy road near the town centre.

Proposals were submitted to planners at the town hall in January 2023, and a decision has been made that will disappoint the developers.

According to the council, the proposals for the land off Manchester Road are unsuitable for a number of reasons.

As it stands, the land is home to two billboards near the town's Sainsbury's supermarket.

The proposals were for a development of two semi-detached houses, both of which would have three bedrooms, and the development would have created three car parking spaces.

However, the application has been refused by Warrington Borough Council.

The council has given the following reasons for pulling the plug on the project: "The proposed development would not respect the living conditions of existing neighbouring residential occupiers nor future occupiers in relation to overlooking/loss of privacy for existing properties to the rear on Whalley Street and lack of amenity space and an inadequate bedroom size for future occupiers.

"The development proposed would not be capable of providing sufficient off-street parking for the new dwellings.

"In addition, the proposal fails to provide safe and suitable access and adequate servicing arrangements have not been demonstrated."

This application was submitted to the council in January 2023, and validated the same May - it was refused by Warrington Borough Council on January 19, 2024.