A TOWN centre sandwich shop can be demolished and rebuilt after plans were given the green light.

Permission has been granted by Warrington Borough Council’s planning department for the single-storey building on Legh Street.

Plans sought to dismantle Cathy’s Sandwich Bar, a family run café serving breakfast and dinner, and rebuild the structure as a two-storey building.

The ground floor would continue to be used for commercial premises, while the first floor would be used for offices.

The proposal was initially to use the upper level for residential purposes as an apartment, but it was later amended.

Documents prepared as part of the application state: “The existing building has been used as a sandwich shop but has had to close due to its poor state.

“The applicant wishes to apply for planning permission to demolish and rebuild.

“This reuse of the site will make a positive contribution to the local area.”

In approving the plans, the council said: “The proposed new building and provision of office space within the first floor is appropriate in scale and design and has the potential to enhance the appearance of the conservation area.

“The less than substantial harm arising from the loss of the building would be outweighed by the public benefits of a new building that would enhance the area.

“The proposal would not have any adverse impact on the setting of adjacent listed buildings or the amenity of any existing neighbouring occupiers.

“Refuse management concerns have been addressed. The proposal therefore complies with the relevant planning policies and is recommended for approval.”