PLANNERS have given the green light to proposals to build new homes on church land.

Plans have been approved by Warrington Borough Council’s planning department for land at St James’ Church, on Canons Road in Hood Manor.

These are for the development of a pair of new semi-detached dwellings, as well as alterations to existing access and the relocation of the existing church car park.

Planning documents state: “The site forms part of the grounds of the existing St James’ Church.

“It comprises a roughly rectangular area of land bounded to the south by Canons Road, woodland to the west and north and a residential development to the west.

“The site is occupied by St James’ Church and car park and has a discrete vehicular access from Cannons Road. The church is a modern two-storey building that dates from the late 1980s.”

The plans are a resubmission by applicant Imaan Ltd of a previous application approved in February 2022 to build two detached houses.

This proposal seeks approval to build a pair of two-storey semi-detached dwellings, as well as a car park configuration for the church and additional boundary walls, fencing and electric gates.

The application was publicised by 46 neighbour notification letters and a site notice, with no objections or comments submitted.

In approving the plans, the council said: “On the basis of the above assessment, the principle of development is established, and it is considered that the proposed development at the application site is consistent with planning policy and would not adversely affect residential or visual amenity, the highway network, the ecological network or increase flood risk.

“The proposal would make a contribution to housing delivery and meeting Warrington’s housing needs.”