WOOLSTON Parish Council has objected to plans for the siting of storage containers on a piece of land.

An application for the change of use of land to the rear of 48-58 Cliftonville Road to enable the siting of storage containers, to be used as self-storage units, will come before the development management committee at its meeting on Wednesday.

The proposed development involves the siting of six storage containers within the application site, according to a report to the committee.

It adds: “The containers would be positioned along the southern boundary of the plot, with one located further towards the east of the site where the width of the land narrows.

“The applicant has submitted that the containers would serve individuals and small businesses for shorter term storage which would not necessarily be available at mainstream operators.

“The existing vehicular access would also be moved from its existing position by the southern boundary of the plot further to the north by approximately 4m.

“A 1.8m high security mesh fence would also be erected along the southern boundary of the plot.

“The shipping containers would be approximately 6m in length, 2.4m in width and 2.5m in height.”

The report also states that the proposed hours of access to customers would be between 8am and 8pm Monday to Saturday, and 10am to 6pm on Sundays and bank holidays.

But Woolston Parish Council has raised an objection.

The concerns, as summarised in the report, include the ‘loss of habitats in removal of foliage’, impact of fencing on visual amenity, and increased traffic.

The application was publicised by 16 neighbour letters.

Two objections have been received, with the concerns raised including increased traffic on an unadopted road, and a ‘lack of justification’ for new storage sites when others exist nearby.

The application is being recommended for approval, subject to conditions – with delegated authority given to the development manager following the expiry of the notification period for the site notice provided that no additional material objections are received that are not dealt with in the report.

The report says the principle of a small-scale self-storage business at the application site would be ‘acceptable’, and subject to conditions there would be ‘no unacceptable harm to visual or residential amenity’.

It adds that the development would also have ‘no unacceptable impacts’ on the local highway network, flood risk, or biodiversity, subject to conditions.