PERMISSION has been granted to build new homes on a farm site on the outskirts of a Warrington village.

To make way for the houses on land at Mount Pleasant Farm, on Glazebrook Lane near Hollins Green, some redundant buildings will need to be demolished.

Applicant Edgefold Homes sought approval for the demolition of existing buildings and erection of eight dwellings, along with associated access, landscaping and infrastructure.

Now, consent has been given by Warrington Borough Council’s planning department to power on with the plans.

The application relates to two existing buildings and an associated car park located to the rear of Mount Pleasant farmhouse.

Buildings are currently vacant and in a poor state of repair, according to the proposal, but they were most recently occupied as offices and both the office buildings and the main farmhouse are locally listed.

The site is located in the green belt and is bordered by open countryside to the north and west.

According to plans, the proposed development involves demolishing the existing office buildings and building eight dwellings positioned around a central courtyard.

The development would utilise the existing access from Glazebrook Lane, which would form an access road towards the new houses.

Properties would be a mixture of semi-detached pairs and detached, with parking provided to the front and/or side of each house.

Dwellings would all have between three and four bedrooms.

One objection to the plans was received raising concern about the impact of the proposals on the landscape and visual amenity.

In approving the plans, the council said: “The principle of a residential use at the site is considered to be acceptable and is established by a prior approval.

“The proposals would meet the exceptions to inappropriate development, therefore the development would not cause unacceptable harm to openness.

“A non-designated heritage asset would be demolished in order to facilitate the development, however the building is not considered to be of historical or architectural merit, and the proposals would bring a disused site back into a viable use.

“The proposed dwellings are considered to cause no unacceptable harm to visual and residential amenity subject to conditions.

“The scheme would have no unacceptable impacts on the local highway network or on biodiversity and flood risk subject to conditions.

“Taking the above factors into account, any adverse impacts of granting permission would be outweighed by the benefits detailed in the assessment.

“As such, the scheme is considered to be sustainable development.”