A LITTLE girl with a rare life-limiting condition has been gifted a bike thanks to a Warrington charity.

Alice Spencer was diagnosed with muscular dystrophy, LMNA-related, just two weeks after her second birthday.

It is a condition that affects muscles used for movement and at the time of Alice’s diagnosis, only 50 people in the world had the condition.

Alice has weak muscles and is unable to walk, but despite this, she is described as a ‘very happy’ child.

She finds ways to get around and does things in her own special way, her mum and dad Kerry and Rick Spencer.

The Penketh Primary School pupil also has a very supportive family behind her.

Warrington Guardian:

Back in July, Alice and her family were attending Warrington Disability Awareness Day at Walton Hall and Gardens. While there, Alice’s eyes ‘lit up’ as she pointed out a pink bike.

“The men at the stall set it up for her and let her ride it,” Kerry said.

“It was the first bike that she could ever ride.

“The smile on her face was heartwarming.”

But unfortunately, the price of the specially adapted bike was 10 times the price of a standard one.

Kerry posted a video of her riding the bike on Facebook which led to The Shannon Bradshaw Trust contacting her.

The family is known to the charity as they would often take Alice to the Shannon Bradshaw Café as a treat for her following hospital and physio appointments.

The charity offered to buy the bike for Alice.

“I couldn’t believe it,” Kerry said.

“I was so grateful for the offer as it would have taken months or even years to save up for the bike.”

Alice’s parents kept it a secret from her and on the way home from school on her birthday, they surprised her with it.

“Her best birthday present ever,” said Kerry.

“Thank you to the Shannon Bradshaw Trust.”