COUNCIL chiefs are set to approve the appointment of two providers to install and manage electric vehicle charging points in the town.

A report on the contract award of on-street and hub charging infrastructure and management will come before the cabinet at its Town Hall meeting on Monday.

Members will be asked to approve the appointment of two providers to install and manage charge hub and on-street electric vehicle charging points for a period of 15 years.

The report says the award of the two contracts means that the council is spending its LEVI pilot grant funding, issued to the council by the Office for Zero Emission Vehicles in October 2022.

The report says: “LEVI is intended to encourage large scale, ambitious and commercially sustainable projects that leverage significant private sector investment.

“It is the intention that the LEVI will support a transition towards local chargepoint provision secured on a commercial basis without public funding.

“The appointment means that we will enter into 15 year agreements with the operators where the council receives a revenue share from the income generated from the use of the charge points.

“Additionally Warrington Borough Council received LEVI capability grant funding for 23/24 and 24/25 which enables us to develop and bring in staff resource to the successful roll out of the LEVI scheme.”

The cabinet is recommended to approve the appointment of ‘Operator F’ to deliver the roll out of 150 on-street charge points in 25 locations across Warrington with an operational contract of 15 years, and approve the appointment of ‘Operator G’ to deliver the roll out of 50 charge points in four hubs across Warrington with an operational contract of 15 years – as well as to authorise the director of law and governance to enter into any documents to effect these recommendations.