WARRINGTON Borough Council has proposed the construction of a new BMX pump track in Chapelford.

Plans have been in the works for some time, with residents being consulted regarding the council's proposals for a new track.

In June this year, residents were invited to share their thoughts on the council's proposals for a new track in the neighbourhood, with plans relating to a section of Dakota Park.

The proposals consist of a new pump track in the park – a continuous circuit for cyclists of bank turns, interspace by rollers, and other features that can be ridden on a bike without pedalling.

It is an increasingly popular way to encourage young people and the whole family to exercise while developing balancing and bike handling skills in a safe environment away from traffic.

The ‘pump’ part is the pushing-down and pulling-up function performed by riders in accordance with the structure’s design as the main source of propulsion.

According to reports from the time, the track will cost £40,000 - with half coming from Great Sankey Parish Council, and the other half coming from Warrington Borough Council.

The documents submitted as part of the proposals state that the council received 66 responses from its consultation; the majority of which were from residents in neighbouring areas.

47 of these responses said it was 'likely' or 'very likely' that a member of their family would use a BMX track if one was installed in Dakota Park.

More than 74 per cent of responders said that they 'strongly support' the proposals.

Speaking in June, Cllr Paul Warburton, the council’s Cabinet Member for statutory health and adult social care, who is leading the project, said: “I’m very excited about this proposed pump track, which would provide a fantastic asset for our community.

"Pump tracks are a great way for people to get involved in cycling in a fun, accessible and safe way – and while their focus is on younger children, the benefits can be enjoyed by people of all ages and all skill levels.

 “We have seen in other places where pump tracks have been installed that they bring many health and wellbeing benefits and create a fun and positive atmosphere.

"In addition, parks with pump tracks often see a reduction in anti-social behaviour."

The planning proposals for the new pump track are due to be decided upon by February 13, 2024.

A public consultation window is open, and residents can post comments on the planning portal until January 9, 2024.