MEET a 20-year-old man who is known as the ‘Warrington bird whisperer’.

Connor Hayes, from Lower Walton, keeps Birmingham Roller pigeons.

They are domestic birds that are ‘exhilarating’ to watch – they fly in teams and perform summersaults in the air.

Connor also keeps American silky chickens.

Warrington Guardian:

Those who know Connor say how ‘inspiring’ he is, including his friend Julie Glynn.

Julie, who is from Warrington, said: “I was so inspired by him as so many young people are only interested in technology and social media.

“We call him the Warrington bird whisperer as he has an empathy with them.”

Warrington Guardian:

It seems Connor’s skills are international as he managed to charm dozens of birds on his recent trip to Benidorm.

They flocked around him and Connor was able to capture the moment in a fantastic photograph.

Connor is on a mission to raise awareness of Birmingham Roller pigeons.

Warrington Guardian: