A PLANNING condition is in place to ensure work linked to the huge Parkside development in Newton-le-Willows does not increase the spread of ‘invasive’ plants.

A full application for ‘enabling works’ to excavate site material from the Parkside former colliery site, the phase two area, and movement of material onto the Parkside phase one land to enable development to be constructed to ‘agreed platform levels and landforms’ was approved, subject to conditions, by St Helens Council's planning committee on Tuesday.

A report to the committee said planning consent is sought for enabling works to facilitate the movement of material from Parkside phase two land, the ‘donor’ site, onto Parkside phase one land, the ‘receiver’ site, as this material ‘would otherwise be imported from land outside the site’.

It also stated that the proposed development would help facilitate the wider development of Parkside for the construction of up to 92,900 m2 of employment floorspace, delivering an ‘efficient use of land and ensure the traffic is reduced on the wider network’.

Furthermore, the report included a section on ‘invasive species and wildlife’.

It said: “Both Japanese knotweed and Himalayan balsam are present within the site boundary.

“To ensure that the proposal does not increase the spread of this, a planning condition has been attached to ensure that a method statement for eradication is submitted.”

One of the conditions states, ‘prior to the commencement of development of any phase, an invasive species method statement shall be submitted and agreed in writing to the local planning authority’.