A VIOLENT abuser from Warrington has been jailed for nine years.

Wayne O'Malley, 39, was sentenced to nine years and one month in prison, with a three-year extended licence.

O'Malley was sentenced at Liverpool Crown Court on Monday, December 4.

The sentencing was presided over by Mr Recorder Cowan, and followed O'Malley's conviction in October, where a jury found him guilty on several charges.

Attending via video link and wearing a blue sports shirt and grey jogging bottoms, O'Malley listened as the court heard the offences of which he was found guilty earlier this year.

Warrington Guardian: The sentencing hearing took place at Liverpool Crown CourtThe sentencing hearing took place at Liverpool Crown Court (Image: Newsquest)

The charges levelled against him included controlling and coercive behaviour, perverting the course of justice, actual bodily harm, assault, and attempted grievous bodily harm.

O'Malley was found guilty of charges of violence against former partners, one of whom read a statement during the abuser's sentencing hearing.

She said: "I just wish he would leave me alone.

"Sometimes I have thought of not wanting to be alive anymore; it's only the thought of my five-year-old daughter that keeps me going.

"I still feel the same - I have good days and bad days."

The court heard that the woman's young daughter still refers to O'Malley as 'Nasty Wayne.'

One incident O'Malley was charged over was an occasion where he was in a car with his ex-girlfriend - a confrontation ensued and O'Malley spat in her face when her daughter was sat in the back of the car.

During another car journey, his then-girlfriend attempted to record a conversation that they were having - he then pulled over and assaulted her, biting her on the nose, and forcing her face in the car seat, while saying: "If you call the police I'll f****** kill you and bite your nose off."

When he learned that charges were being brought against him, he began messaging his ex-girlfriend on social media in an attempt to persuade her to drop the charges - because of this, he was later hit with a further charge of perverting the course of justice.

On one occasion, O'Malley told his girlfriend that he was going on a trip with a friend, when in fact he was actually taking another woman on a holiday to Turkey.

A statement was read from this woman, who did not attend the sentencing hearing, which explained the sequence of events.

The abuser displayed 'Jekyll and Hyde' tendencies, but one evening he saw something on his phone that upset him, and he stormed away from the witness.

When she checked on his well-being, the court heard that O'Malley became violent, frightening the woman to the extent that she wet herself.

O'Malley later assaulted the woman, and stamped on her; her statement explained that she felt as though he was going to kill her - when she tried to escape, he struck her between her shoulders.

Another charge brought against O'Malley was when he took his then-girlfriend to Butlins in Skegness; he spent an evening texting women on his phone, and his girlfriend became visibly upset.

Two other holidaymakers, a married couple, approached her and checked on her - when O'Malley saw this, he became enraged and attacked the two strangers; he threw a chair at one, and punched the other.

Warrington Guardian: O'Malley was sentenced for attacking a man with a metal bat in 2009O'Malley was sentenced for attacking a man with a metal bat in 2009 (Image: Cheshire Police)

Prosecuting was Mr Trevor Parry-Jones, who summed up O'Malley's vicious past for those in attendance.

Mr Parry-Jones listed numerous offences of which O'Malley, of Greenings Court, had previously been found guilty.

In 2006, O'Malley was charged with racially threatening behaviour, and in 2019 he was convicted of cheating at gambling.

2011 saw O'Malley threaten his then-girlfriend of 12 months with a knife and a screwdriver after he suspected she was in the company of other men; the court heard how, at the time, he had told her that he would stab her and gouge out her eyes.

Defending was Ms Zahra Baqri, who explained that it was the defence's hope that Mr O'Malley would receive as minimum a term possible given that the most serious of his previous offences was more than 12 years ago.

Ms Baqri also outlined that due to O'Malley's diagnosis of cystic fibrosis, a prolonged custodial sentence would reduce his life expectancy and would make it more difficult for him to manage his condition.

Sentencing O'Malley, Mr Recorder Cowan said: "In light of your previous record, I am quite satisfied that there is a significant risk you will commit specified offences."

He added that O'Malley is clearly a 'dangerous offender to both men and women; particularly females [he] is in a relationship with.'

Mr Recorder Cowan continued: "You have not changed your behaviour."

When handed his sentence, the video link saw O'Malley sit with his head in his hands.

O'Malley was sentenced to nine years and one month in prison, and given a three-year extended licence.