A STUDENT whose goal is to study medicine scored gold in a science challenge set by one of the world’s leading universities.

Sadie Johnstone, who studies A-Levels in Biology, Chemistry, and Maths at Priestley College, was one of the best performers in the Cambridge Chemistry Challenge.

“It was a complete shock to me as I hadn't expected to get such a good score,” said the former Birchwood Community High School pupil.

“I was really proud of this achievement and felt like the practice papers and revision had paid off.”

University of Cambridge organised the competition to stretch and challenge students interested in chemistry and said it would benefit those considering taking their studies further after college.

The questions were set by teachers and university chemists who took students beyond the syllabus, encouraging them to think about science in the way they would at university.

Sadie, who also takes the Pre Med programme at Priestley to prepare her for a career in Medicine, said: “I wanted to challenge myself and my abilities in Chemistry. I enjoy Chemistry anyway so thought this would be a good chance to stretch myself.”

As well as Sadie’s gold, a further five Priestley students achieved Silver and another 10 Copper in the competition.

They all sat the 90-minute written paper under exam conditions, impressing not only with their knowledge, but their commitment to take on the challenge outside of their timetabled lessons.

“I do really enjoy science because I like finding out about the world around me and I enjoyed doing this paper because it combined this passion for science and my love for problem solving,” said Sadie.

Chemistry Tutor Wendy Winnard said: “We are proud of all those who took part. They really showed a commitment to the subject and are set for bright futures in science if that is the path they choose to go down.”