Lucy Gardner is Director of Strategy and Partnerships at Warrington and Halton Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust

YOU may recall in my previous column I wrote about the exciting work under way in the town centre to create a new multi-million-pound Living Well Hub for Warrington residents.

Since then we have made good progress and the renovation and refurbishment of the former Contact Warrington centre, on Horsemarket Street, is on track for completion in time for its official handover of keys next month.

The Hub, partly funded by significant investment from Warrington Town Deal, is a real testament to what can be achieved when multiple health providers and stakeholders come together for the benefit of the wider community.

It is a hugely positive development for the town, and will expand how we work collaboratively to provide greater health and wellbeing support within our communities.

We know that creating accessible healthcare services locally, particularly in areas of high deprivation, can have a significant impact in addressing inequalities and improving health outcomes which, over time, can help to ease pressure on primary care, social care and acute hospital services.

Working together at local ‘place’ level as a lead partner alongside Warrington Borough Council, Bridgewater Community Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust and Mersey Care NHS Foundation Trust, as well as other partner organisations on the project, allows us to share our resources and expertise so we can offer a more co-ordinated and proactive person centred approach, with a greater focus on the prevention of ill health.

Once it officially opens to the public in the New Year, the Living Well Hub – part of the borough-wide Living Well programme – will become a convenient and welcoming one-stop destination where you can go to get information and support if you have any concerns about your overall health and wellbeing.

Our teams have been working away behind the scenes to secure a comprehensive range of services that will be accessible as pre-booked appointments or drop-in sessions each week, with a focus on women, children, families and older people’s services.

A full timetable will be announced ahead of the official opening, but will include:

• Monday – healthy lifestyle advice and support (including weight management, management of high blood pressure, cancer support) and women’s health

• Tuesday – services for older people (including dementia assessments, bowel and bladder services, podiatry)

• Wednesday – children and family services (including maternity, health visitors, maternal mental health support)

• Thursday – services for older people and services for care leavers

• Friday – children and family services

The need to address our town’s healthcare challenges has never been greater, so facilities such as the Living Well Hub are vital in tackling earlier intervention and providing the support needed to empower people to live healthily and independently for longer.

For more information about the Hub, visit