PLANS to increase the capacity of a Warrington primary school through the construction of a new building are recommended for approval.

An application for Chapelford Village Primary School is due to go before Warrington Borough Council’s development management committee on Thursday.

Applicant Omega Multi-Academy Trust is seeking to increase capacity at the Santa Rosa Boulevard learning site by 120 pupils, bringing the total to 750.

This is through the erection of a modular building, along with new macadam surfacing for play areas.

Original plans also sought permission for an additional multi-use games area (MUGA) in order to facilitate additional play space, but this has since been removed.

It has been replaced in the plans by eight additional parking spaces in the existing service area, with alterations to existing parking layouts to the south car parks to address the increased requirements.

A report prepared in advance of the meeting by planning officers says the application should be approved by councillors on the committee.

It states: “The principle of development is considered acceptable. The living conditions of adjacent residential occupiers would not be affected.

“The proposal will not have an unacceptable visual impact. It will expand and improve existing school facilities and is sought to accommodate an increase in pupils.

“There are no unacceptable highways impacts arising from the proposal and no unacceptable environmental impacts.”

The proposed modular building will consist of a lobby and reception corridor, four classrooms with related store rooms, an office and meeting room, toilets and a dining hall.

The majority of the areas mentioned will be accessible from the main central corridor, with access via external doors to the front elevation.

Documents add: “As part of the application, external works will also be required which will consist of increasing the existing playground and making good surrounding ground to allow for building construction.

“It is also noted that arrangements have been made to facilitate the use of neighbouring Dakota Park as further facilities for sports.”