CHANGES are being made to the mix of affordable housing provision at a site on Omega South.

At its meeting on Thursday, the council’s development management committee will be asked to note the variation to the affordable housing arrangements within the Section 106 agreement.

A report to the committee says the applicant has submitted a request for a deed of modification which seeks to vary the affordable housing provision within phase six of the wider Omega site, to include shared ownership as a form of affordable housing tenure that can be provided in phase six.

The request for the variation has been referred to the committee for information and comment as it relates to an outline consent that was determined by the committee, approved subject to a Section 106 agreement.

The Section 106 agreement secured a 25 per cent affordable housing provision within each phase of development to be on the following basis: 10 per cent of units to be discount market sale, 7.5 per cent of units to be for affordable sale, and 7.5 per cent of units to be for affordable rent.

The developer for phase six is seeking to change this to 10 per cent discount market sale units or shared ownership units and 7.5 per cent affordable sales dwellings or shared ownership units – with 7.5 per cent to remain affordable rented dwellings as set out in the original agreement.

The report to the committee says the developer states the reason it is requesting this change is to bring the affordable housing in line with the definition set out in the NPPF which will subsequently allow the units to be acquired by a registered provider.

Furthermore, the report also says that the proposal is acceptable in principle and will ensure delivery of a range of affordable housing at the site and provide for shared ownership properties to be available for future purchasers.